Acne Scarring
Everyone deserves a healthy and vibrant appearing skin!
After all, “we only get one face” and our face is what we see in the mirror and what others see when they look at us! Self-empowerment certainly has a basis in how we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves. Let nobody tell you otherwise! So, if ridding your face of unwanted acne scars is important to you, then you deserve what it takes to find answers!

Active acne breakouts are themselves frustrating, especially if you have not been able to find the right acne protocol for your skin. So, if that is the case, then that is where you must start. It is essential to treat active acne breakouts first before you can consider treating your acne scars.
If treatment on scars is attempted while you have active acne breakouts, not only can the inflammation on your skin lessen the effect of the scar treatment but even more, concerning is your breakouts can worsen! Regrettably, when that happens then more scarring can come about. So, let’s treat your active breakouts first!
At The Face and Body Place, we are committed to giving all our patients clear skin through a well thought out acne protocol
Please visit our page on Active acne to learn more about our acne protocols.
Once you have been able to treat your active acne breakouts then you can consider treatment options for your scarring. And YES, acne scars can be treated!
A consultation with our doctor at The Face and Body Place is where you need to begin your journey to a smoother skin. Our doctor will assess not only your skin, but also your medical history to understand the possibly reasons why acne in your case, caused scarring and if the acne might return. It is very important to be aware of and treat all underlying conditions such as hormonal imbalances. These are often the cause behind more aggressive forms of active acne and acne scarring.
Whatever the cause of your acne and resultant scarring, our doctor at The Face and Body Place will guide you in all your options for treating your scars.
Acne scars can occur on the face as well as the body. There are various kinds of scars:
- Depressed or atrophic scars
A depressed scar sits below the natural surface of the skin so that the skin in that area appears sunken or depressed. Atrophic scars are more typically seen on the face. These kinds of scars result from the healing process of active acne when not enough collagen is formed. There are a number of different kinds:- Rolling scars – these have a rounded edge
- Ice pick scars– are narrower scar formations
- Box car– have a wider appearance
- Raised or hypertrophic scars
These scars are more typically seen on the body, most commonly on the back and chest. Raised scars appear higher than the surrounding skin and they result when excess collagen is created in the area during the healing process of active acne.
Treatment options for acne scarring depend on several factors:
- Your skin type
- Your age and other medical conditions
- Location of the scars
- Type of scars
- Severity of the scarring
- Overall condition of the skin
Our doctor at The Face and Body Place will guide you not only based on these criteria but also MOST importantly also on how important the treatment of the scarring is to you and therefore how much time, effort and financial resources you would like to attribute to the treatments.
The treatment of acne scarring is not possible in a single session. Treatment regimens must be over a period, allowing the skin to heal in the intervening periods. If the treatments are too aggressive this can be problematic.
The treatment regime that is designed for you must fit in with your work and social agenda and at the same time be the appropriate treatment for your skin condition. All acne treatments have downtime, some less and some more. The prices of treatments vary considerably and again we will be guided by your considerations in this regard.
The treatment regimen we will determine together with you at The Face and Body Place will take all these factors into consideration. Whatever treatment regimen you choose, we will also guide you in a maintenance program to look after your skin, both during the treatment regimen and thereafter.
The treatment options offered for Acne Scarring at The Face and Body Place include:
- Chemical Skin Peeling
The type of chemical peel that can be used on your skin will take all the factors above into consideration. While chemical skin peeling is effective for maintaining skin and for treating conditions such as pigmentation or fine lines, their use in the treatment of acne scarring is limited. For chemical peels to be effective they need to be “deep peels”. While these are still available their outcomes are not as predictable as other treatments. - Micro-needling
Micro- needling can be used to treat more superficial acne scarring. It’s use must be cautioned in darker skin types and preparation of the skin in those cases is highly recommended. - Fractional Laser treatments
At The Face and Body Place the Profrac by Sciton is a treatment of choice. Erbium Yag Fractional Laser is considered one of the gold standards for acne scarring treatment. Fractional laser treatments are done over an extended period of time and healing intervals between treatments is essential. We will guide you in a protocol that is suitable for you - Laser resurfacing
Laser Resurfacing using the Sciton Erbium Yag Laser is also a treatment of choice. This resurfacing treatment can be done as a single treatment at a deeper level or a number of treatments at a more superficial level. Our doctor will assess your skin and guide you in the laser treatment of choice for you. Laser treatment protocols can also be a combination of Fractional and Resurfacing treatments.
Regenerative skin treatments are the most exciting development in the field of acne scarring. Fat and the components of fat are used to restore your skin to a more youthful and smoother appearance. Our doctor will give you an understanding of the incredible value of fat and it cellular content in the reconditioning of your skin.
When Do We Recommend?
At The Face and Body Place we will guide you in our acne scarring protocol and design a treatment regimen that best suits you. Acne breakouts are themselves problematic, but acne scarring can be even more bothersome. So, if your acne scarring bothers you then we can offer a treatment solution. Everyone deserves a great skin!
Who is a candidate for Acne Scarring Treatment?
Irrespective of your age, sex, skin type or skin colour, we will design an acne scarring treatment regimen that takes account of all of your concerns.
What Are the Side Effects / Risks of The Treatment?
Essential to all our acne scarring treatment regimens is an understanding of your skin type and underlying medical conditions to name only a few. In order to prevent any side effects of treatments, it is essential that your skin undergo a pre- treatment regimen to prepare it for the treatment. The care of your skin immediately after and in between successive treatments is critical for the success of the treatment and we will guide you accordingly.
What Is the Typical Course of Treatment?
The treatment course is based on a consultation and the careful design of a regiment most suited to your needs. Acne scarring treatments are not once off treatments and while results show after each treatment, the cumulative effects are seen over a series of treatments. Remember that the scarring resulted from acne over an extended period, and it takes time for the treatments as well. Where you have other medical conditions that may be implicated, then we will guide you with those as well.
What Can You / Can not Expect from The Treatment?
Each kind of treatment has its own preparation, aftercare and downtime. We will guide you carefully in these aspects and assist you wherever possible to make the journey as comfortable as possible
What if I am not based in Johannesburg?
A consultation with our resident doctor is required so that we can evaluate your skin and overall medical condition. We will then be able to guide you with an acne scarring regimen that is suited to your needs. If you are unable to come to our offices for an onsite consultation with our doctor, we can also make arrangements for a virtual consultation (Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or by telephone). Virtual consultations are available no matter how far away or close you may live.
What do Acne Treatments cost me?
The costs of treatments vary, and we will give you detailed quotations and timelines, to avoid any surprises. While treatments may be considered costly, you are investing in a journey to great skin!
Our administrative team can also assist with financing options if these are required. You may click here to be redirected to the MediFin web page. MediFin offers financing options that mays suit your needs.
The Journey to a New You can begin
with a consultation for Acne scarring!
Treatment Results
Suitability, effectiveness of certain treatments and aesthetic results will vary from patients to patients. All photos of before and after are actual patients of The Face and Body Place unless stated otherwise. We do not give indication, promises or guarantees to all our readers or website and social media visitors that they could reasonably expect for themselves identical or equivalent or similar results to those portrayed in the “Before and After” photographs. Suitability, Effectiveness and aesthetic results may and can vary from one patient to another.
Treatment Options
Superficial Peels
The name is quite descriptive of the procedure– layers of skin are gently peeled away by a solution, usually water-soluble glycolic acid (obtained from fermented sugar) or salicylic acid (from willow bark), applied topically to reveal smoother, healthier and more even toned skin.
Medium Peels
This treatment renews the skin by lifting dead cells from the skin surface and stimulating the metabolism of the cells beneath. A series of TCA (trichloracetic acid – made by chlorinating acetic acid) peels can effectively improve the appearance of superficial lines and uneven…
Blue Light Therapy
In general, Laser Blue Light Therapy for Acne and Acne treatments are a safe and non-invasive method of treating acne. Blue Light Therapy targets the sebaceous glands, and not the surrounding tissues, killing the bacteria that cause acne. Many patients see significant improvement in their acne after two to four weekly treatment sessions of blue light therapy.
Profractional Laser Treatment
The Profractional Laser treatment was designed for those looking for younger-looking skin or who want to improve scars, wrinkles or sun damage with a comfortable treatment. If you demand a fast recovery, then you may be an ideal candidate for fractional laser.
Micro Laser Peels
A Micro Laser Peel is a gentle, laser assisted skin peel, which precisely removes the skin’s outermost layer to a predetermined depth. It is the perfect step between Microdermabrasion and deeper Chemical or Laser Peels for treating pigmentation, sun damage and melasma.
Carboxytherapy is a revolutionary new skin rejuvenation treatment, which is being touted as the biggest advance in Aesthetics since Muscle Relaxing Injectables. Small quantities of pharmaceutical grade, warmed carbon dioxide are infected below the skin in damaged areas.
Enquire about this condition
The information and advice published or made available through the website is not intended to replace the services of a physician or health care professional acting under a physician’s supervision, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary based upon the circumstances, the patient’s specific situation, as well as the health care provider’s medical judgement and only after further discussion of the patient’s specific situation, goals, risks and benefits and other relevant medical discussion. Testimonials made by any person(s) on this site are not intended to substitute for this discussion or evaluation or as a guarantee as to outcomes. Examples of treatment outcomes in this website are not intended to convey any warranty, either express or implied, as to outcomes, promises or benefits from treatment. Whether to accept any treatment of a patient should be assessed by the patient as to the risks and benefits of such procedures and only after consultation with a health care professional.