Active Acne Treatment

Everyone deserves a healthy skin free of acne or “breakout” blemishes!

Active Acne treatment offered at The Face and Body Place, we are committed to giving all of our patients clear skin through a well thought out acne protocol.

After all, “we only get one face” and our face is what we see in the mirror and what others see when they look at us! Self-empowerment certainly has a basis in how we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves. Let nobody tell you otherwise! So, if ridding your face (or body for that matter) of unwanted acne breakouts, then you deserve what it takes to find answers! Acne or acne breakouts are an inflammatory skin condition with or without obvious evidence of infection.

There are 3 essential components to acne breakouts:

  • Dry or dead skin
    – blockage of hair follicles through which sebum moves forming a plug
    – altered consistency of sebum (natural skin secretion) secreted by sebaceous glands
  • Sebum
  • Bacterial infection in the sebum plug

Traditional dermatologic treatments of acne include cleaning the skin with a neutral soap or lotion and applying neutral emollients to keep the skin moist.

If a dermatologist deems necessary, a patient can also be prescribed topical agents that dry out the sebum secretions such as benzoyl peroxide. Where the breakouts are significant then topical or oral antibiotics as well as Vitamin A derivative medications can be used.

 At The Face and Body Place, we are committed to giving all our patients clear skin through a well thought out acne protocol that includes:

  • simple and effective treatments
  • skin care products that are based in science
  • supplementation with essential nutraceuticals critical to skin health.

At The Face and Body Place, we believe that great skin is achievable for everyone and that only effective skincare products and nutraceuticals that are clinically proven to work should be used in combination with simple treatments that allow you to get on with daily living.

We prescribe antibiotic and other prescription medications only when necessary. Rather than using these as “first line therapy” we will add them to your skin care program after careful evaluation and in conjunction with the key components of our acne protocol.

At The Face and Body Place we have designed our acne protocol with products that will have few or no side effects but have been shown to be highly effective in reducing inflammation and healing the skin.

Our protocol is based on supplying the skin with essential ingredients both topically and through the diet to nourish, heal and protect it from active inflammation and long-term effects such as pigmentation and scarring. The protocol is designed to keep your skin free from unwanted infection as well as drying skin.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it needs to be fed with the right nutrients and micro- nutrients to ensure that it remains healthy. It is also important to keep the digestive system healthy because your digestive system can very often be responsible for the health and appearance of your skin. Essential to our protocol is an evaluation of other factors such as your bodies hormones and chronic inflammatory conditions that can be implicated in acne and inflammatory skin breakouts.


At The Face and Body place our doctor will assess not only your skin, but also your medical history and very importantly your lifestyle.


Genetics, infections, sleep patterns, stress, what you eat and drink, the sun, smoking of cigarettes, hormonal history and patterns as well as stress factors may in one way or another cause or contribute to the condition of your skin.

The skin care regime we design for healing and maintaining your particular skin condition will be a combination of treatments and products we provide and guidance on how to take care of your skin and make changes to those aspects of your lifestyle that play an active role in the condition of your skin. We will also offer medical solutions to treat underlying clinical conditions in your body that influence your skin.

When Do We Recommend?

At The Face and Body Place we offer an acne protocol for anyone who has concerns about their skin condition and are seeking help. Whether it is just a couple of pimples or something more significant, our protocol works for everyone!

Patients have been guided by our protocols for many years and it is the positive outcomes that we have achieved for them, that gives us confidence to offer solutions for your skin concerns. The sooner you take care of your skin, the quicker it will heal and the less likely you will have ongoing problems. Everyone deserves a great skin!

Who is a candidate for Acne Treatment?

Irrespective of your age, sex, skin type or skin colour, our acne protocol is successful across the board. Our acne protocol simply put, suit every type of skin. Whether your breakout is mild or very significant we can help!

What Are the Side Effects / Risks of The Treatment?

The treatments we offer to treat your skin condition as well as the skin care products and nutraceuticals we recommend have been scientifically tested and most importantly evaluated for outcomes. Side effects and complications are almost never seen, and we are always readily available to assist if you have any concerns. It is very important that you understand what is required to heal your skin and how we can help you do that.

What Is the Typical Course of Treatment?

The treatment course is based on the acne protocol we recommend for you personally and is based on a careful evaluation by our doctor. Every patient has different requirements and we will lay out a protocol that suits your needs and requirements.

No matter if you have “healthy” or “unhealthy” skin, all skin deserves to be taken care of! Once we have helped you heal your skin, then it will be important that you continue to maintain the condition and health of your skin through our guidance and recommendations of treatments, skin care products, nutraceuticals and changes in lifestyle. Where you have other medical conditions that may be implicated, then we will guide you with those as well.

What Can You / Cannot Expect from The Treatment?

Most of our treatments are pain free and have little or no down time. Where more intense treatments are required, that may have some discomfort or downtime, then we will discuss these with you so that you can prepare accordingly.

What if I am not based in Johannesburg?

A consultation with our resident doctor is required so that we can evaluate your skin and overall medical condition. We will then be able to guide you with an acne protocol that is suited to your needs. If you are unable to come to our offices for an onsite consultation with our doctor, we can also make arrangements for a virtual consultation (Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or by telephone). Virtual consultations are available no matter how far away or close you may live.

What do Acne Treatments cost me?

At the time of our initial consultation we will provide you with an assessment of your skin condition and thereafter offer an acne protocol that suits your requirements. We will give you a quotation for all aspects of the protocol including treatments, skin care products and nutraceutical costs. Where additional medical interventions are necessary, we will guide you with those as well.

Our administrative team can also assist with financing options if these are required. You may Click Here to be redirected to the MediFin web page. MediFin offers financing options that may suit your needs.


The Journey to a New You can begin with a
consultation for Acne!

Treatment Results


Suitability, effectiveness of certain treatments and aesthetic results will vary from patients to patients. All photos of before and after are actual patients of The Face and Body Place unless stated otherwise. We do not give indication, promises or guarantees to all our readers or website and social media visitors that they could reasonably expect for themselves identical or equivalent or similar results to those portrayed in the “Before and After” photographs. Suitability, Effectiveness and aesthetic results may and can vary from one patient to another.

Treatment Options

Superficial Peels

The name is quite descriptive of the procedure layers of skin are gently peeled away by a solution, usually water-soluble glycolic acid (obtained from fermented sugar) or salicylic acid (from willow bark), applied topically to reveal smoother, healthier and more even toned skin.

Medium Peels

This treatment renews the skin by lifting dead cells from the skin surface and stimulating the metabolism of the cells beneath. A series of TCA (trichloracetic acid – made by chlorinating acetic acid) peels can effectively improve the appearance of superficial lines and uneven…

Blue Light Therapy

In general, Laser Blue Light Therapy for Acne and Acne treatments are a safe and non-invasive method of treating acne. Blue Light Therapy targets the sebaceous glands, and not the surrounding tissues, killing the bacteria that cause acne. Many patients see significant improvement in their acne after two to four weekly treatment sessions of blue light therapy.

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Page Disclaimer:
The information and advice published or made available through the website is not intended to replace the services of a physician or health care professional acting under a physician’s supervision, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary based upon the circumstances, the patient’s specific situation, as well as the health care provider’s medical judgement and only after further discussion of the patient’s specific situation, goals, risks and benefits and other relevant medical discussion. Testimonials made by any person(s) on this site are not intended to substitute for this discussion or evaluation or as a guarantee as to outcomes. Examples of treatment outcomes in this website are not intended to convey any warranty, either express or implied, as to outcomes, promises or benefits from treatment. Whether to accept any treatment of a patient should be assessed by the patient as to the risks and benefits of such procedures and only after consultation with a health care professional.
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