
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that typically affects the face. Rosacea is characterized by redness and inflammation of the facial skin and may be also accompanied by pimples and broken blood vessels. The condition is seen more in females and is common between the ages of 30 and 50.

Rosacea often starts with just a slight flush of the cheeks but may soon progress to other areas of the face, such as the forehead and chin. It can also affect the chest and back.

Factors that may potentially worsen the condition include heat, exercise, sunlight, cold, spicy food, alcohol, menopause, psychological stress, or the use of steroid cream on the face.

There are different subtypes of Rosacea and the distinction between these is based on the presenting appearances on the face.

As Rosacea develops, small dilated blood vessels known as Telangiectasia, begin to appear on the skin. These areas of redness are often painful. While the condition is considered untreatable, At The Face and Body Place we have had success in significantly reducing the changes on the face that are psychologically debilitating to patients. Treatments to be considered are:

  • Lifestyle changes as part of a Zest4Life wellness program to reduce inflammation and especially offending bacteria in the body
  • BBL® laser treatments
  • Anti-inflammatory serums and creams that have been shown to be highly effective
  • Traditional medical treatments

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