When Do We Recommend Chemical Peels?

Chemical Peels are a most commonly used, and effective procedure for improving general skin appearance, and to restore skin to a more youthful appearance. Depending on the depth of peel used, a Chemical Peel can improve:

  • fine to moderate lines and wrinkles,
  • the appearance of certain types of scars,
  • brown spots, sun damage,
  • clogged pores,
  • skin discolouration,
  • dull complexion,
  • acne scarring,
  • rough skin,
  • uneven skin tone
  • various type of hyperpigmentation,

In general, people with fair skin and light hair respond best to Chemical Peels. However, people with darker skin types may also achieve excellent results


How Does It Work?

A Chemical Peel renews the skin by lifting dead cells from the skin surface and stimulating the metabolism of the cells beneath.

There are several different types of chemicals used, depending on your individual skin condition, your skin type, and the desired results. The most commonly used chemical peels are Superficial peels and these include salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acid peels

These so-called acids are all derived from natural sources, such as sour milk, unripe fruits, and sugar cane, rather than a laboratory. Types of Chemical Peels vary from minor, Superficial Peels with little or no downtime, to more serious, deeper peels that will require sedation and some time away from work.

Superficial chemical Peels can be performed on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and the back, so anywhere you wish to improve your skin texture, with your specialist’s recommendation.

When Do We Advise Against It?

People with sunburned, windburned or broken skin should wait until their skin has healed before undergoing a Chemical Peel. If you recently had a wax or used a depilatory cream, consult your Specialist on the advisable time to undergo the treatment.

Pregnant women should avoid Chemical Peels, as well as breastfeeding mothers. Those suffering from oral herpes may not be suitable candidates, as the virus can spread to your healing skin.


What Is The Typical Course Of Treatment?

Skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove excess oil and dirt. The peel product will be applied in layers and the skin monitored for a reaction. Once the desired result is achieved, the peel will be removed or neutralised depending on the product used. A soothing or moisturising cream, as well as a sunscreen, will be applied.

 Your Specialist will prescribe proper aftercare to maximise the result and to prevent any possible complication, like pigmentation changes. These might include avoiding sun exposure, as well as the regular use of cleansers, moisturisers and sunscreens, to protect against the harmful effects of the sun and environment on your healing skin.


What Can You / Can’t You Expect From The Treatment?

After a superficial chemical Peel, minimal redness is normal and may last a couple of hours You might experience minimal flaking of the skin. Once this has subsided, you can expect a smoother and more evenly toned skin with a firmer, fresher and more youthful appearance.

For best results, a course of superficial chemical Peels is recommended and can be done as a very effective anti-ageing treatment as often as once per month.


What Are The Unwanted Effects / Risks Of The Treatment?

Side effects from superficial peels are uncommon if you adhere to the post-treatment instructions. Side effects from superficial peels are uncommon if you adhere to the post-treatment instructions.

Click on the different Chemical Peels below for more information

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The information and advice published or made available through the website is not intended to replace the services of a physician or health care professional acting under a physician’s supervision, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary based upon the circumstances, the patient’s specific situation, as well as the health care provider’s medical judgement and only after further discussion of the patient’s specific situation, goals, risks and benefits and other relevant medical discussion. Testimonials made by any person(s) on this site are not intended to substitute for this discussion or evaluation or as a guarantee as to outcomes. Examples of treatment outcomes in this website are not intended to convey any warranty, either express or implied, as to outcomes, promises or benefits from treatment. Whether to accept any treatment of a patient should be assessed by the patient as to the risks and benefits of such procedures and only after consultation with a health care professional.

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