The Myers Cocktail – IV Nutrient Therapy
The Myers cocktail contains Magnesium, Calcium, a mix of Vitamin B and Vitamin C. It is an ideal Vitamin drip for boosting energy and for those who have one or another chronic ailment or illness.
These include asthma, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, cardiovascular disease and others.
Trace Elements
- This drip combines essential trace elements that fight off infection and help those who also have chronic disease. The drip contains Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and chromium
- Zinc – essential support for your immune system and vital for eye and skin health. Important for healing and for growth
- Copper – increases energy levels, helps with red blood cell production and is essential for increasing bone density and connective tissue health
- Manganese – reduces inflammation, boosts the level of your metabolism and bone health and great for overall wellness and preventing disease
- Selenium – another great antioxidant. Helps your immune system and prevents cell damage.
- Chromium – is vital for blood sugar control.
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